Maximalism vs. Minimalism

Furniture from Metallbude certainly has a stylistic self-understanding, but is kept so simple and minimalist that it allows for open interpretation and individual design. Because the actual character of a piece of furniture only comes to light when it experiences spatial integration and personal decoration by the owner. In our new series "How to style", we let metal workers decorate product favorites - without specifications and entirely according to their own taste. The start is made by our console table RIA.


Flea Market Finds, Bibliophilia & Eastern Influence

Caro's Personal-Maximalist Interpretation of RIA



Whether it's the contents of her wardrobe, her workspace design, or her home decor: for Caro, these are the ultimate expressions of her personality, preferences, and interests. She doesn't follow trends, style definitions, or rules, but lives and loves the colorful mix of memory souvenirs, heartfelt items, and flea market finds. Books are at the forefront. The particularly beautiful specimens - both visually and in content - end up on RIA instead of in her large bookshelf.Also characteristic of Caro's composition is not only the variety of colors and things, but also the Eastern European folklore influence, which stylistically shapes the decoration and makes it even more personal.



Natural nuances, Japandi & Everyday enjoyment

Tobi's modern-minimalist interpretation of RIA



The fact that the minimalist character of the console table can be consciously maintained even after adding decoration or other home accessories is demonstrated by Tobi's RIA composition. In his furnishing, both privately and professionally, he values straightforwardness, simplicity, and visual calm. All according to the principle "Clear space, clear mind".His choice falls on light, natural tones and a manageable number of decorative items, some of which also bring practical everyday use. The spatial arrangement of these and the coordinated interplay of colors and shapes creates a harmonious overall picture, without making the piece of furniture appear sparse.